
PWL will be the undisputed leader supplying the finest quality welding products. In order to accomplish this, we will continue our emphasis on being the industry's lowest cost producer, on providing applications expertise and solutions for our customers, and on developing new and innovative technology that responds to customer needs with value-added products and services.


The group aims

  • Total Solutions

    We will strive to exceed customer expectations and be a complete solutions company.

  • Expertize

    We will continue to differentiate ourselves from our competitors with our superior technology, quality applications engineering, sales and marketing expertise.

  • Responsibility

    PWL will continually strive to be environmentally responsible and to ensure the health and safety of their employees, customers, and neighbors. We support the communities where we operate and the industries in which we participate.

    At PWL we will expand our operations and have a global presence with cost competitive manufacturing facilities to cater to our overseas clients.